
今年 27歲 的 Christina Judith Perri (克里斯蒂娜.朱迪思·佩里), 是一位美國費城的歌手/詞曲作者. 她的首支單曲,Jar of hearts (一整罐的芳心), 2010 年, 在美國, 一出來就賣超過三百萬張的銷量. 在英國, 一度攀升至榜首第三名, 還繼續保持在榜首前 40 名內長達 3 個月之久! 這首歌 ~ 曲, 近乎完美, 再配搭上如此震撼的歌詞, 歌者的歌聲聽起來就像一頭受傷的野獸 ... 或許, 每一首扣人心弦的歌曲, 都要可以訴說到一個故事吧!

No I can't take one more step towards you - 不,我不會再向你靠近一步,
Cause all that's waiting is regret - 因為最終結果仍然只是遺憾,
Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore - 難道你不知道我早已不再是那個整天跟著你的幽靈了嗎? 
You lost the love I loved the most - 你已失去了我曾經付出過的最愛.

I learned to live half alive - 我已學會了如何行屍走肉的活著,
And now you want me one more time... 可是, 現在你又再一次的說 ... 你要我!

And who do you think you are - 其實, 你到底認為你是誰呢?
Running around leaving scars - 到處隨便留下不能磨滅的疤痕, 
Collecting your jar of hearts - 罐子裡, 是你到處蒐集到的, 本來並不屬於你的芳心, 
And tearing love apart, - 愛! 被你撕裂得體無完膚, 
You're gonna catch a cold - 你要當心很容易就會常感冒,
From the ice inside your soul - 因為 ..... 你那靈魂中的無比冰寒, 
So don't come back for me - 所以, 請不要再回來找我, 
Who do you think you are? - 你到底認為你是誰呢?

I hear you're asking all around - 傳聞你周圍的在問, 
If I am anywhere to be found - 我在哪裡?
But I have grown too strong - 但, 你卻不知道, 我已被栽種得太強碩了, 
To ever fall back in your arms - 怎麼可能再次依傍在你的臂彎呢? 

I learned to live half alive - 我已學會了如何行屍走肉的活著,
And now you want me one more time... 可是, 現在你又再一次的說 ... 你要我!

And who do you think you are - 其實, 你到底認為你是誰呢?
Running around leaving scars - 到處隨便留下不能磨滅的疤痕, 
Collecting your jar of hearts - 罐子裡, 是你到處蒐集到的, 本來並不屬於你的芳心, 
And tearing love apart, - 愛~被你撕裂得體無完膚, 
You're gonna catch a cold - 你要當心很容易就會常感冒,
From the ice inside your soul - 因為 .... 你那靈魂中的無比冰寒, 
So don't come back for me - 所以, 請不要再回來找我, 
Who do you think you are? - 你到底認為你是誰呢?

And it took so long just to feel alright - 你知道要過了多久以後, 才會感覺好一點嗎?
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes - 要多久之後, 才會懂得怎樣把明亮再放回去雙眸嗎?
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed - 我多希望我們從未有過第一次的親吻, 
Cause you broke all your promises - 因為, 到最後, 你只是違背了所有的承諾, 
And now you're back - 可是, 你又回來了,
You don't get to get me back - 但, 我卻一定, 一定不會回去了!

And who do you think you are - 其實, 你到底認為你是誰呢?
Running around leaving scars - 到處隨便留下不能磨滅的疤痕, 
Collecting your jar of hearts - 罐子裡, 是你到處蒐集到的, 本來並不屬於你的芳心, 
And tearing love apart, - 愛~被你撕裂得體無完膚, 
You're gonna catch a cold - 你要當心很容易就會常感冒,
From the ice inside your soul - 因為... 你那靈魂中的無比冰寒, 
So don't come back for me - 所以, 請不要再回來找我, 
Who do you think you are? - 你到底認為你是誰呢?

And who do you think you are - 其實, 你到底認為你是誰呢?
Running around leaving scars - 到處隨便留下不能磨滅的疤痕, 
Collecting your jar of hearts - 罐子裡, 是你到處蒐集到的, 本來並不屬於你的芳心, 
And tearing love apart, - 愛~被你撕裂得體無完膚, 
You're gonna catch a cold - 你要當心很容易就會常感冒,
From the ice inside your soul - 因為 .... 你那靈魂中的無比冰寒, 
Don't come back for me - 請不要再回來找我,
Don't come back at all - 所以, 請不要再回來找我!
Who do you think you are? - 你到底認為你是誰呢?
Who do you think you are? - 你到底認為你是誰呢?
Who do you think you are? - 你到底認為你是誰呢?


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    創作者 紫色的風 的頭像

    不就是 ... 那一陣陣 ... 貪, 嗔, 癡的紫風兒嗎???

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