
SUKIYAKI - 上を向いて歩こう (Kyū Sakamoto, 坂本九), 這首歌是自從1963 年, 一直到現在, 唯一的一首日本歌曲,曾經攀上過美國單曲流行音樂排行榜的冠軍歌曲. 之後, 也曾被很多北美知名歌手再翻唱. 例如, A Taste Of Honey, Jewel Ankens, 4PM 等等........ 除了這首歌曾被翻譯成數十種不同的語言之外. 一直到 2013 年, 都仍然還是會不斷的被拿出來重唱, 或者是剪輯加到某條歌裡. 在 2011 年 3 月 11 日發生了日本東北大地震之後, 由日本 71 位演藝圈名人為受災者合唱籌款, 選來合唱的仍然還是這首歌. 由此可見, 這首歌無論是在日本或是世界各地, 都有其一定的代表性!

我所喜愛的版本是美國 R & B 樂隊 ~ 4PM 和 加拿大歌手 ~ Lucille Starr 的版本! 喜愛前者是因為 4PM 是以我喜歡的 unplugged 清唱型式所唱出, 又帶一點 Motown 的感覺!, 喜愛後者卻是因為其獨特嗓音. 在腸胃炎不舒服的第二天, 聽了一整個下午的 Sukiyaki. 仍然還是一點胃口也沒有的我, 看著外面的狂風暴雨, 應該會因為從小就愛雨而興奮雀躍的我, 好像是又更虛弱了!

Sukiyaki ~ 4PM

It's all because of you, I'm feeling sad and blue
You went away, now my life is just a rainy day

And I love you so, how much you'll never know
You've gone away and left me lonely

Untouchable memories, seem to keep haunting me
Of a love so true
That it once turned all my gray skies blue

But you disappeared
Now my eyes are filled with tears
And I'm wishing you were here with me

Soaked with love are my thoughts of you
Now that you're gone, I just don't know what to do

If only you were here
You'd wash away my tears
The sun would shine and once again
You'd be mine all mine

But in reality, you and I will never be
'Cause you took your love away from me

Girl, I don't know what I did
To make you leave me but what I do know
Is that since you've been gone
There's such an emptiness inside
I'm wishing you'd come back to me

If only you were here
You'd wash away my tears
The sun would shine and once again
You'd be mine all mine

But in reality, you and I will never be
'Cause you took your love away from me

Oh, baby, you took your love away from me


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    創作者 紫色的風 的頭像

    不就是 ... 那一陣陣 ... 貪, 嗔, 癡的紫風兒嗎???

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